Friday, March 18, 2011


Yes, it happened. "Just a Penny" didn't get accepted...I had sent it into Deseret Book...and now...rejection. Well, it is kind of cool to get a rejection letter, because it took them a while. So that's cool. Maybe I'll get like a stack of twenty or something in my room, and then thirty years later I'll pull them out and think about how young and foolish I was back then :D Who knows? Echh, but I simply MUST try again, or there sha'n't be any hope.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Vader: Luke...I AM YOUR FATHER''s...sister's...uncle's...niece's...friend's...grandson's...third cousin second removed's...nephew.

Luke: How does that make us related??

Vader: IT DOESN'T!!!

Luke: O...kay. Um. *coughs.* we fight?

Vader: Huh? Oh, yes, sure.

Luke: What should I call you?

Vader: about...Joe?

Luke: Joe?

Vader: Why not? It's simple, boring, easy to remember...

Luke: Fighting, remember??

Vader: Oh, right. (Resumes fighting.)

Vader: Luke...I AM YOUR FATHER!

Luke: NOOOOO!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! NOOOOOO—

Vader: *winces* Holy cow, kid, stop YELLING like that.

Luke: Huh? Oh, sorry.

Vader: Seriously, my ear was falling off!

Luke: Do you even have an ear? Like, aren't you half-robot?

Vader:, then my very sophisticated...hearing aid.

Luke: Oh.

Vader: Yes.

Luke: What were we talking about?

Vader: Um, I told you about my ear...

Luke: No, no, before that.

Vader: Oh. Luke, I AM YOUR FATHER!

Luke: Yeah, that's it. Wait...what? WHAT?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO—


Vader: Join ME—together we will rule the galaxy as father and son.

Luke: You're my FATHER??

Vader: We had this discussion, remember? You did your crazy scream thing??

Luke: Right...yeah, okay. Wait, rule the galaxy? Don't you think that's a little far-fetched?

Vader: (Annoyed) What, you don't think it's okay? I kind of like the ring to it. "Rule the world" is one thing, but the galaxy? That's POWER.

Luke: Um, whatever dad.

Vader: Say "father," it's much more dignified.

Luke:, FATHER, what do I get for this?

Vader: What? What do you mean?

Luke: I mean, I get certain privileges, right?

Vader: Yes, I suppose.

Luke: Like...driving the Death Star?

Vader: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!???

Luke: Please!

Vader: NO!! You are NOT responsible enough, mister!!

Luke: BUT—!!!

Vader: NO.

Luke: are SO going down then!! (Resumes fighting.)

Vader: Luke...join the dark side. We have much power.

Luke: Nah...(turns to leave)


Luke: NEVER!!! Wait, cookies? Um, not that I'm joining, but uh, what kind?

Vader: Chocolate chip.

Luke: Um...well, we only have celery for Jedi meetings...*hesitates* you have anything else?

Vader: We have hot chocolate, and Easter Egg Hunts every Thursday.

Luke: I'M IN!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Random Aladdin Pics!

My friend Marisa and was SO special that she came to the show

Applause! Carpet!