Sunday, April 3, 2011


'Kay then...greetings, imaginary audience! On Saturday and today we watched some lovely sessions of General Conference...lots of inspiring messages to be had there :D
My family and I also watched a performance of "Into the Woods" by the high school, which was great! I especially applaud my friend Nicky, who played Rapunzel's dramatic prince...and the other prince, with his stylish hair flipping...I als
o enjoyed the fact that three people were ruthlessly blinded, that Cinderella can speak to trees and birds when in a trance-like state, and how nearly everyone interesting! The girl who played the witch had an outstanding voice, and I thought the Baker had a nice one too. Very intriguing, although somewhat muddled at parts, and there were some minor sound difficulties...oh, and Little Red! Brilliant performance by her! Innocent, then bratty and greedy, then carving up wolves...she's a very knife-happy child. Also, they used the same wedding-bower for Cinderella's wedding as they did on a certain Arabian Night, and I spotted some harem pants in the fairy-tale throng. Interesting. It seems
Agrabah is slyly sneaking into other plays...altogether, well done! And we sha'n't forget the stunning performance by ma soeur, one of the thr
ee blind mice. Go sista.

Below is my latest painting, which I call "Flipside". Interpret as you will.

Yesterday we went bike our backyard! Fun stuff! And....ehhhhhh...what else...
Oh yes! Funny video! Watch, because it's hilarious!

Well, au revoir, mon amis! I have nothing more to post, or to*leaves*


Kathy said...

It wasn't just Aladdin that made its way into the play. Many high school plays were there. The fairy tale were meant to represent some of the high school's past performances. Jasmine was there from Aladdin, as was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. (The girl who played Belle played her in Beast too.) Cinderella's ball gown was the one used in Cinderella a couple years ago. Dorothy and Glinda were there from Wizard of Oz. And yes, the witch was amazing.

Kathy said...

Oh, and though the blindings and the feet getting cut off looked impressive onstage, with the blood and all, that stuff is a pain to get out of the dresses. Guess what I was doing during intermission?

Anna said...

XD Niccceeee. Also, yes, I noticed the other fairy tale charries...pretty cool stuff.