Saturday, January 15, 2011

New—the Sorcerer's Apprentice

I really, really enjoyed this movie!! The special effects were superb, and the characters they picked were genius. I also liked how you could totally tell the 10 year old versions were the same people as the 20 year old versions. Nicholas Cage did a good job as Balthazar, too. The only thing I didn't like was the was a little bit lame and corny, you know? After all of that awesomeness I was a little disappointed...still! LOVED LOVED LOVED the guy who played Dave, and his voice was not annoying *cough*DAD. I thought it was cool, and his awkwardness really made it great. Superb acting on his part! Bravo for the shy and sweet physic nerds out there!

Learn, young Skywalker...learn the Ways of the Force

Okayyy...I'm making an awkward face in the subway...

The Dragon Ring has chosen him O_o

Aww, he's making that cute awkward face!

Young Dave is apprehended by a creepy man...hehehe

The actor who plays Veronica...beautiful.

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