Monday, July 25, 2011

efy in Ft. Lauderdale

"EFY" stands for Especially For Youth, a program for the Youth 14-18 in the LDS church. It was literally a life-changing experience for me, and I'm still wearing my red wristband :) I had tons of fun with the many classes and games, as well as the dances. (Which are far superior to school dances, as the boys actually ask you to dance, it's not pitch-black, and the music rocks.) Anyway, I had an absolutely amazing time, and met many people in Florida who I miss terribly right now...I'll try to add pictures as I find them!

The following pictures are of silliness by the Tree of Life, with all of my new spectacular family I made...

No, I'm not trying to stab him with that pencil!...Well....maybe....

THIS is our beautiful card we made for the bus driver...isn't it lovely?

Makin' cards.

This guy was partly in charge of the talent show, which was a lot of fun. (I sang "Firebolt", a parody of Firework.)

At the end of the EFY chant.

These people are awesome, by the way.

*just shakes her head*

*Same reaction*
I love this girl :)
Fly, fly! I remember this...we were walking in slow motion back to the building...

This is a nice one :)
Medical staff...engaged ;) So awesome!

At one of the dances! I remember I did a salsa number with the counselor in the yellow dress and some other guy...that was fun XD

Okay, I think I got a good portion of the pictures floating, my non-existent blog viewers, enjoy this gorgeous collection of photos, and we thank you for stopping by.

Monday, July 4, 2011

While You Were Out Script

While You Were Out, by BYU's Divine Comedy
Yes, I did type all of this by myself, once again...'tis an attempt to make a script form of it, so that my friends and I can reenact it. :)

(Whitney enters, pulling a suitcase)
Friend: Oh hey, Whitney, how was your flight?
Whitney: It was so good, thank you so much for picking me up at the airport!
Friend: No problem, I brought you this!
Whitney: OH MY WORD, thank you so much. 'Kay, I know I was only gone for two days but, honestly, not having my phone with me was so miserable. Now I know how the pioneers felt!
Friend: (Wheeling suitcase away) I'll bring your luggage to the car!
Whitney: Okay, I'll just check my messages...(she sighs a bit)
(Phone rings) Recorder: (In feminine robotic voice) You have, 95, new, messages.
Whitney: Um, wow...
Recorder: First. Message.
Matt: Hey, Whit, it's Matt. Uh, hope you're having fun at your great-uncle's funeral. Look, anyway, uh, I was just calling about your dog? I know you gave me very specific instructions on what to feed him, but I've got a hypothetical question for you. What if he maybe got confused and ate all of your laundry detergent? And then vomited all over your bed? Hypothetically! Okay, thanks, bye.
Whitney: Ah, man!!
Recorder: Next. Message.
Veronica: (In Spanish accent) Carlos, my love, is Veronica. Les run away together, mi amor. You are a beautiful, beautiful Nicaraguan man and I love you.
Whitney: (Laughing) Uh, okay!
Recorder: Next. Message.
VT: (upbeat voice) Hey Whit, this is your visiting teacher, just wanted to know if there was some time I could come by next—
Recorder: Message skipped. Next. Message.
Veronica: Carlos, I do not understan why you do not call me back! It has been hours and hours! And who on earth is that woman on your answering ma-sheen? CALL ME BACK you filthy traitor!
Whitney: (Laughs incredulously)
Recorder: Next. Message.
Recorder: Message skipped.
Veronica: (Sobbing) Carlooooos? I just want to talk to youuuuu...
Recorder: Message skipped.
Doctor: Hi Whitney, this is Docter Alv, you have a cancerous—
Recorder: Message skipped.
Whitney: Wait, what? (Talks into phone)
Matt: Uh, hey Whit, it's Matt again. Look, uh, remember yesterday when I left you a message and said that your dog hypothetically ate your laundry detergent? It wasn't hypothetical. And he's been foaming at the mouth, and, and vomiting everywhere, and...and I think that he now craves human blood. (Whitney has alarmed expression on her face)...He's been hunting me all day. ...I've barricaded myself in your closet, but I might not make it. I'm afraaaiiiid, Whitney!
Recorder: Next. Message.
Criminal: Carlos. Carlos.
Whitney: Who the heck is Carlos??
Criminal: I'm just calling to tell you that we've reached phase 3. I repeat. We've reached phase 3. And by that, I mean I put the bomb where you told me to. You're my number one customer. See ya. (Whitney's breathing gets more panicked.)
Recorder: Next. Message.
Agent: This is Special Agent Nisson with the FBI. Carlos—I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want, but have a very particular set of skills. And I will find you. And I will kill you. (Whitney is shocked and scared, VERY panicked now.)
Recorder: Next. Message.
Whitney: Oh my gosh!
Triumphant Mexican Man: THE GAME IS UP, CARLOS! I finalleh found you! I tracked this numero, and to repay you for what you did to ma familia, I BURRRNED your house to de ground! Huh-huh-ha! Now your casa and your weirdly feminine throw-pillows are nothing but the ASHES!
Whitney: (Whimpers)
Recorder: Next. Message.
Matt: HE ATE MY HAND!!! (Whitney's in shock) Your rabid beast of a dog ate my hand!...Also, your house is on fire. ...What is up with that?
(Lights black)
Recorder: End of, messages.

And now ze link, of course, so that you may see it in person...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Evil Memory Lapse Script

Evil Memory Lapse, by BYU's Divine Comedy
*Yes, I did all of this from sight/hearing, which took a while. :P I just really, REALLY enjoy their videos, so I put this one into script form. Be prepared for another.)

Whitney: Freeze! CIA! Hands where I can see 'em!
Guard Person: *ninja cry* Aaaaaahhhhh—
(She shoots him with a flick of her gun, and he collapses. Whitney steps over his body as Matt enters.)
Matt: (talking to his minion) And then we will plan the assassination of—Ohhh. (Surprised, raises his hands as Whitney points the gun at him.)
Whitney: Seems I've finally caught up with you.
Matt: It would seem...we meet again!
Whitney: For the last time, it seems.
Matt:...Seemingly. (To minion) I have no idea who this person is. Would you look into it and get back to me quickly? Chop chop! (Minion skitters away) (Turns back to Whitney.) SO....
Whitney: You know why I'm here!
Matt: Of course I do. You're here for....
Whitney: The money.
Matt: (overlapping after her) The money. You're here for the money! And I have it!...Here!
Whitney: (Confused, her words clipped) I thought you had it in a Swiss bank account.
Matt: Ah—it is, was...untilll I made it not, that way.
Whitney: So! (Walking towards him) Yet another surprising and diabolical twist from the evil mastermind! You've outdone yourself this time, Dr. Murdock!
Matt: Yes, it seems I've pulled the wool over your eyes yet again, Ms. Eh*COUGH*
Whitney: Well, no matter. I have the upper hand this time! So long as I possess—THIS! *whips out a tiki-ish figure about the length of a forearm.)
Matt: (Whips around dramatically, then stares blankly at the object.) Ahhhhhhh. (awkwardly) know, I'm not even sure I want that.
Whitney: Don't play the fool, doctor! Do you realize how many people you've killed in your efforts to obtain this?!
Matt: Well, it's not like I keep a running tally. Fiiii—
Matt: That is more than five!
Whitney: How many more lives must you ruin before you come to reason?!
(Pause, Matt staring at Whitney)
Matt: Tell me, have you undergone some type of plastic surgery recently?...Acid thrown on your face?...
Whitney:....Do you honestly not recognize me?
Matt: Well, I have a poor memory for faces!...And you...(Sits down, ponderous, on the crumpled figure of the guard without thinking like he's a chair)
Whitney: We've been arch-foes for nearly seventeen years!
Matt: Really!
Whitney: You killed my father!
Matt: On purpose, or like I accidentally backed my car over him?
Whitney:...You strapped a bomb to his chest!
Matt: (Thinking) That does sound like me!
Whitney: So you have no idea why I'm here?
Matt: Well, I've put a few things together! (Stands up, looks at the body in mild surprise, then looks back to her again.) Youuu want some money, and I apparently want that...tiki-man.
Whitney: I'm not giving him to you now!
Matt: What! No! I don't know why, but I want it.
Whitney: No! It's insulting how many lives you've ruined, and you don't even have the decency to remember why!
Matt: I do feel like an idiot for that...
Whitney: (Emotional) And to think I used to love you...
Matt: (He freezes) Wait, back up a moment. What?
Whitney: (Sniffing) We used to have something special.
Matt: Why did it end?...Was it because of your current haircut? (Long pause of hoots and applause from the audience, when she just gives him the look.).................That one was out of line.
Whitney: That's it. I'm going to destroy it.
Matt: No, madame, please! Be reasonable. I'm willing to negotiate.
Whitney: Fine. Give me...tell me my name and it's yours.
Matt: .......(barely audible)Cythhhhhhhnoooo(mumble) Mayyyyy(mumble) Reeeeeehhhhhhh, Jeh-mimaaaaa.
(Long pause) + (Long pause) + (LONG pause with staring...)
Whitney: Dang it! (Passes over tiki-statue.)
Matt: (Minion returns) Ah, Gregory, the situation is well in hand, no thanks to you. Here, see if we can use this for...something evil...
Whitney: (Formally) It's good to see you again, Gregory.
Gregory: Uh, I'm sorry—do I know you?
Whitney: (Glare) I am your MOTHER!
Matt:...This makes me feel better about myself.
(Lights go out, end)

Andddd, ladies and gentlemen, here is the link...