The salute to the American Flag, every morning...boy, it was hot!

My Sebastian buddy, Chris, supposedly "waking us up" XD

My peppy, extremely hyper friend Claire...Katelyn, if you read this, say hello ;)

Ah, yes...the painful and charred remains of...is that cornbread??


My wacky friend, "Sue Sylvester" ;)

Sister Tony and Christiane again.

My AWESOME kendo friend Ashley...best YCL...

My clone buddy Acacia!! She moved, :'( But she will remain the other best YCL

Claire...on the hunt.

My Harry Potter-loving BF Lydia!

My stunningly fierce friend Maddi!

Paige Baisden...another friend who moved :'( She was an AWESOME YCL, always peppy.

The first years, in zere DRACula poses.

Three YCLS on the nature trail...middle Hailey Heaps, far right Steph Haney

The lovely bug-infested sleeping chambers we inhabited...

Katelyn Nance! (Need I say more?)

Claire again, after a hike

Sophie, right after a MAJOR sugar spree (where did all the pixie stix go? D:)

Me!......Let's move on.

Katelyn, Sophie and Lucy!

Marisa, my cabin-mate :)
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