Friday, December 17, 2010

The Gift

The Gift comes in mysterious ways.

It calls...

You cannot receive The Gift—you must be born to it.

It is Destiny.

Now, we must consult with the stars...with the Elders...

So few possess it now...

You cannot know what the gift is until you yourself have The Gift.

You must not tell others.

Only those who have The Gift can tell if others have The Gift as well.

Those who may have The Gift must be Tested...

Those who possess The Gift are linked...

There are ways of abusing the Gift...BUT YOU MUST NOT. Have respect for all forms and variations of The Gift.

I cannot reveal to you what The Gift is. Unless you have The Gift. If you do, you already know what I'm referring to.


Christine said...

That poem is beautiful

Anna said...

XD Thank you, Christine. It wasn't really a poem, just a random assortment of facts about The Gift...but now that I look back on it, that makes a pretty cool poem...

Unknown said...

Girrr I want the gift

Anna said...

Hahaha Rachel you would